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Detector Recipes BYOD: Pascal VOC Format Example

Bring Your Own Pascal VOC Formatted Data

Training with a Pascal VOC formatted dataset is very similar to the using COCO formatted data. Perform the following to train your model with Pascal VOC formatted data:

Find the Pascal-like dataset template file in the Docker container located at


It will look like this:

  - /data/transforms@module.dataset_generator.train_transforms: resize.yaml
  - /data/transforms@module.dataset_generator.valid_transforms: resize.yaml
  - _self_

nclasses: 0
  batch_sizes: ${task.batch_sizes}
  num_workers: ${task.num_workers}
  adaptors: ${model.adaptors}
    root_path: null
    images_dir: JPEGImages
    annotations_dir: Annotations
    type: detection
    is_split: false
    trainval_split_ratio: 0.75
    trainval_split_seed: 42
    train_set: ImageSets/Main/train.txt
    val_set: ImageSets/Main/val.txt
    labelmap_file: pascal_label_map.json
    label_indexing: 1-indexed-no-background # one of: "0-indexed-no-background", "1-indexed-no-background", "0-indexed-with-background". if dataset contains a background class, it must be at index 0.
    dataset_name: my-custom-pascal-like-data

The fields you will need to change are for the number of classes in your dataset, and the Reader settings shown here from line 14 on. Changing those fields with your dataset’s information is enough to load and use your PascalVOC-formatted dataset.

  • nclasses: The number of classes in your dataset.

  • root_path: The absolute path to the root directory of the dataset.

  • images_dir: The path to folder containing only images, relative to root_path.

  • annotations_dir: The path to folder containing xml files, relative to root_path.

  • type: detection or segmentation. We can leave the value as detection for this detection recipe.

  • is_split: true or false.

    • If set to true, text files containing the list of samples for training and validation should be specified using train_set and val_set

    • If set to false, data will be split by the ingestor given the trainval_split_ratio and trainval_split_seed

  • trainval_split_ratio: The ratio to use to split the dataset. Used only if is_split: false

  • trainval_split_seed: The seed to use to pseudo randomly split the dataset. Used only if is_split: false

  • train_set: The path to text file containing names (no extensions) to the training samples. Used only if is_split: true

  • val_set: The path to text file containing names (no extensions) to the validation samples. Used only if is_split: true

  • labelmap_file: (Optional) The path to a json file containing a map from class index (int) to class name (string), relative to root_path. If you don't have this file, it will be created automatically on the first run, and stored to streamline future runs.

  • dataset_name: This string will be used to name any generated artifacts.

It is necessary to remove the label_indexing parameter completely. Please delete line 24 from your yaml file.

It is necessary to remove the label_indexing parameter completely. Please delete line 24 from your YAML file.

A Concrete BYOD Pascal VOC Format Example

Smoke Detection Dataset Overview

Download and extract the dataset.

mkdir -p /latentai/workspace/datasets
cd /latentai/workspace/datasets

# Verify data location matches the directories in this example:
ls /latentai/workspace/datasets/smoke_dataset
Annotations  ImageSets  JPEGImages

# Get back to /latentai
cd /latentai

Using the Template to Ingest the Smoke Detection Data

Now we need to create a YAML configuration file for this dataset. Create a new file custom-configs/data/smoke_config.yaml by copying our template:

cp /latentai/custom-configs/data_old/pascal-reader-template.yaml \

We will now edit the template with the correct values for the dataset_generator section and the correct number of classes. After filling out your configuration, custom-configs/data/smoke_config.yaml should look like this:

  - /data/transforms@module.dataset_generator.train_transforms: resize.yaml
  - /data/transforms@module.dataset_generator.valid_transforms: resize.yaml
  - _self_

nclasses: 1
  batch_sizes: ${task.batch_sizes}
  num_workers: ${task.num_workers}
  adaptors: ${model.adaptors}
    root_path: /latentai/workspace/datasets/smoke_dataset
    images_dir: JPEGImages
    annotations_dir: Annotations
    type: detection
    is_split: true
    trainval_split_ratio: null
    trainval_split_seed: null
    train_set: ImageSets/Main/train.txt
    val_set: ImageSets/Main/val.txt
    labelmap_file: pascal_label_map.json
    dataset_name: smoke-pascal-like

Use command=vizdata to see what a few samples of the data will look like:

af data=smoke_config command=vizdata

The vizdata command will read the annotations and draw bounding boxes over some of the samples. The sample images will be stored in /latentai/artifacts/vizdata/smoke/*.


You can train a model by selecting any of our detector recipes and using command=train:

af --config-name=<recipe_name> model.architecture=<architecture_name> data=smoke_config \
 command=train task.moniker="BYOD_recipe"

Note where the checkpoint is stored at the end of the training run. The checkpoint will be stored in a path of the form:/latentai/artifacts/train/{date}_{time}_BYOD_recipe/{epoch}.ckpt Find that file and store it for ease of use in the next steps:

export SMOKE_CHECK=<path to .ckpt file>

# Example:
# export SMOKE_CHECK=/latentai/artifacts/train/2022-08-23_17-25-29_task_BYOD_recipe/epoch-19_step-1840.ckpt

Evaluate on the Host Before Exporting

You can now use your newly trained model by passing the checkpoint to the commands you used previously with the pre-trained model. Perform the following to evaluate.

af --config-name=<recipe_name> model.architecture=<architecture_name> data=smoke_config \
  command=evaluate task.moniker="BYOD_recipe" \

Export the Model

af --config-name=<recipe_name> model.architecture=<architecture_name> data=smoke_config \
  command=export task.moniker="BYOD_recipe" \
  +export.include_preprocessor=True \

Your exported model will be saved in:

+export.include_preprocessor=True includes in the exported package a serialized version of the preprocessor used to train this model. You will need this preprocessor when evaluating the model outside of the AF.

In a later version of the LEIP SDK, this will be the default behavior and therefore you wont need to pass the flag.

Refer to Export Options for additional export command options such as tracing batch size.

Save the path as a variable:

export MODEL_PATH=/latentai/artifacts/export/<model_directory_name>/

Optimize the Model

You will need to identify a calibration dataset from your BYOD data before you can optimize your trained model. Identifying an ideal calibration dataset is beyond the scope of this tutorial, but it usually entails selecting a few representative images for the quantizer. If you are targeting a CUDA device, you will need to provide 2N images, where N is your batch size. You will need to provide a path to these images in the file rep_dataset.txt that is in the model recipe directory. We will use the last two images in the validation dataset for the Smoke dataset.

Override the file in /latentai/recipes/<recipe_name>/rep_dataset.txt with paths to samples in the Smoke dataset:


Try using different calibration images if you find that your optimized (INT8) model has substantial accuracy loss from the compiled (Float32) model. Some image sets will produce outlier results that may adversely affect accuracy.

Please bear in mind that the optimal training dataset may change each time you retrain the model. The above is an example dataset, but you may need to test out different datasets to yield the best results after you have trained your model.

Next, all of the following processing files must be copied into exported_model/processors. This will allow Host Evaluate, Package, and Target Evaluate to operate.

#Copy the processing files into:
cp /latentai/recipes/<recipe_name>/processors/*.py $MODEL_PATH/processors

Make sure your pipeline.yaml file properly references the processors. You can use any of the following options:

 preprocessor=file.json # if exported from AF, this will already be in the model_schema.json

Once you have exported your trained model and determined a calibration dataset, simply compile and optimize it as before, providing the traced model as the input path:

leip pipeline \
  --input_path $EXPORTED_MODEL \
  --output_path /latentai/workspace/output/byod_smoke \
  --config_path /latentai/recipes/<recipe_name>/pipeline_x86_64_cuda.yaml

Evaluate the Smoke Detection Example on Host

You will need to convert the Pascal VOC formatted data to COCO format if you would like to use leip evaluate to evaluate your model. You can do this via the af command=export_data function:

# Export the Pascal data into COCO format:
af data=smoke_config command=export_data

# Some processes will look for the instances file in the data directory:
cp /latentai/artifacts/export_data/COCO/smoke/instances_val2017.json \

# Data will be available here in COCO format:
# /latentai/artifacts/export_data/COCO/smoke

Next, you will need to ensure that there is a model schema file. For this example, create a file called /latentai/recipes/smoke_dataset_schema.json with the following contents:

    "coco": {
        "data_dir": "/latentai/artifacts/export_data/COCO/smoke/val2017/",
        "annotations": "/latentai/artifacts/export_data/COCO/smoke/instances_val2017.json"

You can now evaluate your compiled, optimized model against the Smoke dataset:

# Evaluate Float32:
leip evaluate \
  --input_path /latentai/workspace/output/byod_smoke/Float32-compile/ \
  --test_path /latentai/recipes/smoke_dataset_schema.json \
  --task_family detection

# Evaluate Int8:
leip evaluate \
  --input_path /latentai/workspace/output/byod_smoke/Int8-optimize/ \
  --test_path /latentai/recipes/smoke_dataset_schema.json \
  --task_family detection

Evaluate the Smoke Detection Example on Target

You will run leip evaluate in the SDK Docker container with inference performed on the device under test in order to evaluate on a remote target device. You will first need to setup your target by installing Latent AI Object Runner (LOR). You will then evaluate using the LRE objects created by leip pipeline.

# Substitute the IP address of your target device for <IP_ADDR>
# The default port for LOR is 50051

# Evaluating Float32:
leip evaluate \
  --input_path /latentai/workspace/output/byod_smoke/Float32-package \
  --host <IP_ADDR> --port 50051 \
  --test_path /latentai/recipes/smoke_dataset_schema.json \
  --task_family detection

# Evaluating Int8:
leip evaluate \
  --input_path /latentai/workspace/output/byod_smoke/Int8-package \
  --host <IP_ADDR> --port 50051 \
  --test_path /latentai/recipes/smoke_dataset_schema.json \
  --task_family detection

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