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LEIP Enterprise

LEIP Enterprise provides a web application to analyze and graph metrics from all your LEIP experiments. For this to happen, you need to deploy the application either on-premise or on the cloud, and connect to it from the LEIP SDK container.

Local Deployment

Local deployment is done through Docker Compose.

We recommend that you have at least 4 GB of RAM available to Docker.

Installation Files

Download the following files to a directory called leip-enterprise on your computer: docker-compose.yml


Configuration is provided through a .env file. To generate it, run the script. This script will interactively ask you some details to generate the file. After this, you may optionally inspect and change some values in it.

Here’s an example run:

% cd leip-enterprise
% python
***** Latent AI, Inc.
***** LEIP Enterprise configuration script
*****   This script will generate a new .env file with safe passwords that will be used when you start the server.
*****   IMPORTANT: Any previous instances will have to be taken down with: docker compose down -v

Do you wish to continue? (yes/no) [Default: no]: yes
Do you want to include sample data (50 experiments)? (yes/no) [Default: no]: no
Do you want to configure the SMTP service for sending emails?
  This is used to send account info to all LEIP Enterprise users, but it's optional.
  Note: A dedicated email account should be used for this.
  (yes/no) [Default no]: yes
    SMTP TLS (yes/no) [Default: no]: yes
    SMTP Host:
    SMTP Port: 587
    SMTP User:
    SMTP Password: smtp-password

.env file was written.

You can now start the server with: docker-compose up -d
And take it down without losing data with: docker-compose down
You will access LEIP Enterprise UI at http://localhost
Your username is <user> and your password is <password>

Alternatively, you can also include kibana service with: docker-compose --profile kibana up -d
And take it down without losing data with: docker-compose --profile kibana down
You will access Kibana UI at http://localhost:5601
In that UI, your username is <user> and your password is <password>

After running the script you will see your administrator account for the LEIP Enterprise UI, and the optional account for the Kibana UI.

Pulling the Docker Containers

Before you begin, you will need your license key and to have been granted access to Latent AI container registry in order to complete the SDK installation process.

If you need access to the registry or your license key, please contact for assistance.

# Login to the Latent AI container registry
docker login

# Pull the containers
docker-compose pull

# Optional: If you want to pull a specific version
TAG=<version> docker-compose pull

Starting the Docker Containers

Start services with:

docker-compose up -d

Alternatively, if you also wish to use the kibana service, start with:

docker-compose --profile kibana up -d

The locally deployed application will be available at http://localhost.

Stopping the Docker Containers

When you need to stop the services, run:

docker-compose down

If you included kibana service, you should stop with:

docker-compose --profile kibana down

Users and Projects Configuration

Open the LEIP Enterprise URL on your browser, login with your configured administrator account from the output of the configuration script, and then use the configuration button on the top right to add users and projects as needed. You will use one of these users and optionally a project in the next step.

LEIP SDK Configuration

To quickly configure your LEIP SDK container to send events to the LEIP Enterprise Server, run this on that container:

leip enterprise init 

This command will interactively ask you to set the LEIP Enterprise server host, login, and optionally set a project. You can also do any of these at any time using individual commands (See leip enterprise --help for details).

The default host (http://host.docker.internal:8080) should work for most local deployments. If you’re in Linux or if you have other Docker networks, you might need to figure out the IP of the backend service.

To login, use any of the accounts created in the LEIP Enterprise UI, or just the initial administrator account.

The project you set (if any) will determine the project that future events belong to.

General Usage

After the LEIP Enterprise server is up and a LEIP SDK container is configured, you may run any LEIP commands on the LEIP SDK container as usual and will be able to visualize metrics data on the LEIP Enterprise application.

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