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Installing LEIP

The Latent AI SDK is available on a set of Docker images. You will need to have Docker installed to continue with this guide. When running any of these images, a container with all the required dependencies for the SDK is provided. For more information on Docker images and containers: Docker Overview.

We highly recommend you increase the amount of memory you have allocated to Docker from the default to at least 4 GB of memory.


The Supportability Matrix provides a list of the model architectures and frameworks that LEIP supports.

Pulling the Container

Before you begin, you will need your license key and to have been granted access to Latent AI container registry in order to complete the SDK installation process.

The LEIP SDK is distributed in a Docker container. Please verify you have Docker 1.19 or greater installed on you target host. Then, choose the container you would like to use for your development environment. There are multiple options depending on your use case. The latest version will always include the latest tag, but if you need a specific version, that is also available by replacing the variant’s latest tag with the version number string (e.g.,

If you need access to the registry or your license key, please contact for assistance.



DockerHub Namespace

CPU Only

Supports CPU hardware only<version>

CPU + Cuda

Supports CPU and CUDA GPU<version>

Cuda Optimized

Optimized CUDA GPU Support<version>

# Login to the Latent AI container registry
docker login

# Pull one of the LEIP SDK Docker images from the registry
docker pull $variant

Starting the Container

Once you have pulled the container, start it using your LEIP license.

# Run the container using a valid LEIP license key
# and setting the `--gpus all` directive as needed
docker run -e LICENSE_KEY=$license-key --name leip -it --gpus all $variant

# For a quick overview of the LEIP commands now available to you, type
leip --help

# TIP: after you exit the container, if you want to return to this container state
docker start leip; docker attach leip   # use docker rm leip to remove it

Please contact Latent AI support if you need assistance.

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