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(v2.6.0) BYOD: Training With Your Own Data

If you would like to add your own data to the mix, LEIP recipes supports easy ingestion of commonly used data formats MS COCO and Pascal. Adding your data to recipes using one of these formats is simply verifying that certain conventions are followed and modifying one of the configuration files to point to the associated components.

Once your data has been provided, the modular nature of LEIP Recipes means that your dataset will be compatible with training future recipes for models of the same type as they are added. This will give you a simple path for trying out various model sizes and architecture for your application in a reproducible way for identifying the best model for your needs.

Bring Your Own COCO Formatted Data

Let's begin with the MS COCO format ingestor. Find the MS COCO-like dataset template file in the docker container located at /latentai/custom-configs/data/coco-like-template.yaml

It will look like this:

nclasses: 0 # number of classes in your detection dataset
  batch_sizes: ${task.batch_sizes}
  num_workers: ${task.num_workers}
  adaptors: ${model.adaptors}
    width: ${task.width}
    height: ${task.height}
    width: ${task.width}
    height: ${task.height}
    root_path: notset # absolute path to your dataset
    download_from_url: None
    task_family: detection
    train_images_dir: train 
    val_images_dir: validation 
    train_annotations_json: annotations/instances_train.json 
    val_annotations_json: annotations/instances_val.json 
    label_indexing: 0-indexed-no-background
    dataset_name: my-custom-coco-like-data

The fields you will need to change are for the number of classes in your dataset and the dataset_generator shown here from line 15 on. Changing those fields with your dataset’s information is enough to load and use your COCO-formatted dataset.

  • nclasses: number of classes in your dataset

  • root_path: absolute path to the root directory of the dataset

  • download_from_url: if your data is compressed to a single file, and resides in the cloud (public S3 bucket, Drive, etc.) the ingestor can download it and place it inside root_path

  • task_family: detection or segmentation (COCO annotations supports both)

  • train_images_dir: path to folder containing only training images, relative to root_path

  • val_images_dir: path to folder containing only validation images, relative to root_path

  • train_annotations_json: path to .json file of training annotations, relative to root_path

  • val_annotations_json: path to .json file of validation annotations, relative to root_path

  • label_indexing: Are the labels 0 indexed? Is there a background class? One of 0-indexed-no-background, 1-indexed-no-background, 0-indexed-with-background. Depending on your data’s label_indexing, the AF may implement a label shift to ensure that if a background class is present it must be at index 0, and other classes start at index 1.

  • dataset_name: a string. Will be used to name any generated artifacts.

By default, everything except the root_path is set to match the COCO dataset defaults. The folder structure is expected to be:


Now that you have customized the YAML file for your dataset, you can use it as a component by passing its name to the data parameter, like this:

af --config-name=yolov5_L_RT data=coco-like-template 'hydra.searchpath=[file://custom-configs]' command=train task.moniker="BYOD_recipe"

A concrete BYOD COCO-like example

Let’s look at the SODA10M dataset as an example. Without downloading it, we can see that the folder structure does not exactly match the LEIP Recipe defaults:

Let's assume you downloaded and extracted the files to /home/data/soda10m.

Notice the slight difference in annotation files: they use instance_train.json instead of the plural instances_train.json

A YAML file needs to be made for this dataset. Let's make a new file in custom-configs/data/soda10m_config.yaml and copy the contents from our template to start.

Then, lets modify the fields in custom-configs/data/soda10m_config.yaml to match the needs of this dataset.

The soda10m_config.yaml will look like this:

nclasses: 6
  batch_sizes: ${task.batch_sizes}
  num_workers: ${task.num_workers}
  adaptors: ${model.adaptors}
    width: ${task.width}
    height: ${task.height}
    width: ${task.width}
    height: ${task.height}
    root_path: /latentai/soda10m/SSLAD-2D/Labeled
    download_from_url: null
    task_family: "detection"
    val_images_dir: "val"
    train_images_dir: "train"
    train_annotations_json: "annotations/instance_train.json"
    val_annotations_json: "annotations/instance_val.json"
    label_indexing: 0-indexed-no-background
    dataset_name: soda10m

You can now train on this dataset by running the following:

af --config-name=yolov5_L_RT data=soda10m_config 'hydra.searchpath=[file://custom-configs]' \
 command=train task.moniker="BYOD_recipe"
  • --config-name=yolov5_L_RT : select the yolov5_L_RT recipe

  • data=soda10m_config : use the data/soda10m_config.yaml file as the data config for this recipe

  • 'hydra.searchpath=[file://custom-configs]' : Add the path custom-configs to the search path when finding the .yaml

    • It's important to ensure the .yaml is nested inside an additional data folder in the added search path.

  • task.moniker="BYOD_recipe" Gives this run a different name, so we dont confuse its artifacts with the pretrained.

Your trained checkpoint will be stored at the location specified in the logs. It will be inside /latentai/outputs/{date}_BYOD_recipe/checkpoints/*.

Bring Your Own Pascal VOC Formatted Data

Training with a Pascal VOC formatted dataset is very similar to the using COCO formatted data. Perform the following to train your model with Pascal VOC formatted data:

Find the Pascal-like dataset template file in the docker container located at


It will look like this:

nclasses: 0
  batch_sizes: ${task.batch_sizes}
  num_workers: ${task.num_workers}
  adaptors: ${model.adaptors}
    width: ${task.width}
    height: ${task.height}
    width: ${task.width}
    height: ${task.height}
    root_path: notset # when downloading a dataset, a good default is to use ${paths.cache_dir}
    images_dir: JPEGImages
    annotations_dir: Annotations
    type: detection
    is_split: false
    trainval_split_ratio: 0.75
    trainval_split_seed: 42
    train_set: ImageSets/Main/train.txt
    val_set: ImageSets/Main/val.txt
    labelmap_file: pascal_label_map.pbtxt
    download_from_url: false
    dataset_name: my-custom-pascal-like-data

The fields you will need to change are for the number of classes in your dataset, and the dataset_generator shown here from line 15 on. Changing those fields with your dataset’s information is enough to load and use your PascalVOC-formatted dataset.

  • nclasses: number of classes in your dataset

  • root_path: absolute path to the root directory of the dataset

  • images_dir: path to folder containing only images, relative to root_path

  • annotations_dir: path to folder containing xml files, relative to root_path

  • type: detection or segmentation. For this detection recipe, we can leave the value as detection

  • is_split: true or false.

    • If set to true, lists with samples for training and validation should be specified using train_set and val_set

    • If set to false, data will be split by the ingestor given the trainval_split_ratio and trainval_split_seed

  • trainval_split_ratio: ratio to use to split the dataset. Used only if is_split: false

  • trainval_split_seed: seed to use to pseudo randomly split the dataset. Used only if is_split: false

  • train_set: path to text file containing names (no extensions) to the training samples. Used only if is_split: true

  • val_set: path to text file containing names (no extensions) to the validation samples. Used only if is_split: true

  • labelmap_file: (optional) path to file containing a map from class index (int) to class name (string), relative to root_path. If you dont have this file, it will be created automatically and stored in the specified directory.

  • download_from_url: if your data is compressed to a single file, and resides in the cloud (public S3 bucket, Drive, etc.) the ingestor can download it and place it inside root_path

  • label_indexing: Are the labels 0 indexed? Is there a background class? One of 0-indexed-no-background, 1-indexed-no-background, 0-indexed-with-background. Depending on your data’s label_indexing, the AF may implement a label shift to ensure that if a background class is present it must be at index 0, and other classes start at index 1.

  • dataset_name: a string. Will be used to name any generated artifacts.

A Concrete BYOD Pascal VOC Format Example

For an example of the usage with a real dataset, see custom-configs/data/smoke-pascal-like.yaml. You can run the example data by:

af --config-name=yolov5_L_RT data=smoke-pascal-like 'hydra.searchpath=[file://custom-configs]' \
 command=train task.moniker="BYOD_recipe"

This example has a download_from_url defined with the path to the data, so the data will get downloaded automatically into root_path.

Next, let's evaluate the BYOD model on host and export it to use with the SDK.

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